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Coming Soon

A visionary
story of transcendence

The Spiritual Flu Book

The virus of separation

The Spiritual Flu is the contagion of consciousness. It is a multi-dimensional plague, a virus that incubates and envelops our experience of life in veiled illusion.

Noah had long sought to break these shackles, to awaken and ascend back into the light of his true self. On his aspirational journey toward the truth, he voyages through an exploration of the nature of reality searching to discover his infinite potential.

As his experiences unfold, culminating in divine synchronicity, he transcends the material world relinquishing the illusion of self, integrating into a higher state of awareness and dimension of consciousness.

As we navigate our own path towards enlightenment, we embark on Noah’s transformational journey, witnessing his triumphant rebirth into the upgraded version of himself, becoming the revelation of his higher purpose. 
Noah’s gripping story of death, transformation and rebirth brings us hope, shedding light on what it feels like to transcend the physical being and become the truth of what we really are — a spiritual being.


Published 7th September 2019

Available worldwide in paperback and audiobook*
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The Spiritual Flu


Reader Reviews

"GREAT BOOK! Very inspirational, worth getting for friends and family. Incredibly enlightening."


Fishpond Australia

About the Author

Justin Stewart is an Australian born visionary writer, metaphysical philosopher and international h. He masterfully courses the imaginations of readers, chartering them through mystical journeys that awaken the mind and illuminate the soul. His vivid exploration of the magical, and navigation through the emerging realm of spiritual science, propels us into a world of wonder and infinite possibility. Read More


For original divine thought and verse from the heart of a modern day sage, join Justin on his social media platforms.

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