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Organic Cotton

Souls Departed
In Their
Onward Journey

Due to a broad range of inorganic influences and factors, many souls often require guidance in the continuation of their spiritual journey.

Safe Passage is a specialised meditation protocol, designed to provide assistance for souls that are no longer physically present in this time and space. It is a loving, non-denominational offering made to souls who, by their own free will, choose to participate. 

This process can be used for any living being, animals included, regardless of location. Moreover, its effectiveness is in no way dependent on me having had any prior connection, or close relationship with the being.

Offering Safe Passage to those who have passed can help us to be certain that we have done everything possible to support them in the highest expression of their continuing journey.

A safe passage
to spiritual

As a midwife of the spirit, in my deepest loving reverence for all of life, I regularly anchor a sacred space for the transiting of souls.

From within the sanctity of my amplified field, I hold light that acts as a beacon inviting souls to 
enter a dedicated session container.

Here they may access the sacrament of deep spiritual cleansing, trauma reconciliation, consciousness body-part reclamation, and core soul protection.


This ordained procedure offers souls the dispensation of liberating spiritual support, prior to their transit through the gateway that leads them back to the Source domains.

Greeted by divine guidance teams, they emerge from the organic portal passage, released from any binding to the enslavement matrix, with the cosmic sovereign right to self-determine the next step on their evolutionary journey.  

The eternal spirit lives on,
well beyond its days
in the mortal body.

Leaves Shadows
This is a free service
that I offer as a
gift to humanity.

On the 13th day of every month, 
I devote time in offering 'Safe Passage' for those departed. 


I truly believe it to be an integral part of a pre-destined calling, one to be heralded during this time of great transition and liberationAs such, I voluntarily offer this service as a gift to humanity.


If you would like to add someone, who has previously, or recently passed, to the process within meditation, please add their full name, and year passed (if known), using the form below.

Thank you. It will be my honour to hold space for them in the next meditation.


Please have peace in the knowing that they will be offered Safe Passage.

White Plants


© 2033 by Justin Stewart  -  GSF  -  Website proudly by Creative Pup.

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This website's location, identity, content, and functionality exclusively run Krystal Star algorithms. The law of structure that underpins and protects the integrity of this website is based totally and completely upon the principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This website is in all ways, totally and completely dedicated and consecrated in service to the One Source light, and forever consecrated as God, Sovereign, and Free.

For enquiries or feedback, please send a message below.

Thank you for your message!


© 2023 by Justin Stewart  -  GSF  -  Website proudly by Creative Pup


In conjunction with

This website's location, identity, content, and functionality exclusively run Krystal Star algorithms. The law of structure that underpins and protects the integrity of this website is based totally and completely upon the principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This website is in all ways, totally and completely dedicated and consecrated in service to the One Source light, and forever consecrated as God, Sovereign, and Free.

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