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Kingdom of Wonder

Writer's picture: Justin StewartJustin Stewart

Evidently, in days passed, we were collectively greater, wiser, more abundant and technologically advanced, than we are today.

Thus, the question arises - what happened?

What, we are compelled to enquire, got in our way, and suppressed our ability to continue to harness this prolific intelligence?

What retarded our ability to live in peace, prosperity, and on an evolving trajectory?

What force, what influence, if any, interceded, and drove a stake between the kind heart, and the infinitely intelligent mind of man?

Did cosmic pirates steal the reins from a sovereign people, and begin to gradually steer this great ship Terra westward, turning us away from the light of day?

These are but some of life’s greatest enquiries, for those with inquisitive enough minds.

Never more so has a place strummed the chords of my curiosity, as this place - the ancient complex of Angkor, and its prodigiously sophisticated centrepiece, Angkor Wat, reportedly once home to one million souls. The sheer scope, and the engineering mastery on display is obviously superior to what we currently produce, in what are ironically coined, ‘modern times’.

Humanity has in fact regressed over time, and literally been running to stand still for tens of thousands of years.

I do have an innerstanding of the explicit reasons for this. I have a strong intuitive sense, and educated comprehension of what has historically transpired here upon Mother Earth’s majestic body. For I carry activated genetic record, coding that tells the truth about just what it was that tore through the fabric of our universe, about what infiltrated and hi-jacked the planets of our solar system, infecting the broader planes with the scourge of its parasitic, anti-life, anti-human, and digressive pathology.

And after all is said and done, I don’t, for the record, resonate with the preposterous official narratives, suggesting that such feats of ingenuity such as Angkor Wat, the Giza pyramids, and alike, were built by slaves, hauling giant boulders down from nearby hills, nor align with the notion that such intricate carving was achieved by merely hand and chisel. This doesn’t stand to any level of reasonable logic, nor does where such monuments are placed on the timeline.

What does ring true, is that we once knew how to build according to the principles of bio-harmonic architecture, we had the know-how to carve with lasers, and we levitated heavy objects, by momentarily altering their density form. We built magnificent structures which honoured nature, and harnessed Mother Earth’s healing frequencies, which were shared expressly for the wellbeing of the land’s inhabitants. 

In short, Angkor Wat is far, far older than we are told, I felt this to be a palpable fact as we walked upon its grounds. And paradoxically, as I explored this vast masterpiece, I realised that we were bearing witness to a scene of precision desecration. For strangely, almost all the female statues and the lion guardians had been defaced, and many of intricate stone structures, rendered down to nothing more than rubble.

Despite this dire calamity, I could clearly in-vision the place’s former glory, feel the truth of its original intention. I imaged a fountainous city of cascading water, a wonderland of harmony, a hub of amplified power. 

With all of my being, I know all too well that we, humanity, were once the bearers of brilliant technologies, and capabilities that will, soon enough return. For I foresee in the days to come, the angelic human collective returning to the glory of Atlantis, an age of peace and spiritualised progress.

This was an auspicious time in our lost his-tory, a time before the lunar outpost was surreptitiously towed into our beautiful realm, enslaving all in its manipulative wake, submerging the truth of the global civilisation, deep beneath the ocean’s waters, out of the sight of those with the eyes to see.

This visit, this calling to Angkor Wat, was my window into what was once the world of Atlantis. It reminded me of what’s possible, what we are all capable of co-creating as a unified collective. It was a glimpse through a rapidly emerging doorway, through which the light now floods in, dawning the coming of a new solar day.

It is for this I came, and I saw, as we now set our sails northward into a future that is now. 

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2 comentarios

18 jun 2024

Dear Justin, thank you for sharing ❤️ Let the doors swing wide open for light honesty goodness! Let us open our hearts to loving kindness, purge our shaddows and have the wisdom to see the importance to stay in the light!

Me gusta

09 jun 2024

I also question the pyramid in Egypt built on the latitude and longtitude that equate to to the speed of light

Me gusta


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