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To Your Home

Harmonised Home can best be described as a deep, multi-dimensional 'spring clean' for your residence. It is a comprehensive procedure delivering thorough energetic cleansing, purification and balancing, throughout a complex set of visible and invisible layers, directly associated with your home.


Encompassing a meticulous process of restoration, this service primarily functions to resolve sources of bio-spiritual disruption, including the harmful impacts from an assortment of geo-specific, geomantic, inter-dimensional, psychotronic, and covert technological influences, that negatively affect your home, land, and surrounding area. 


Moreover, in order to align your space with natural law, there is specific intention placed on reconciling right relationship, and fostering a harmonious co-existence with the local environment. 


Ultimately, through the anchoring of etheric infrastructure, this service transforms your house into an energetic fortress, that provides you with an impenetrable level of spiritual shielding, and a renewed sense of protection. 

Interior Decor

Your home is the 
sacred ground upon which you

Irrespective of whether you reside in an inner city apartment, an outer suburban unit, or a countryside cottage, your home is the personal space that you invariably long to return to after a long day out. 


It shelters you from external elements, provides you with security, and affords you privacy from the world outside.


However, beyond this, your home can also offer you a fortified level of spiritual defence, against a myriad of energetic factors. 

Unlocking this untapped potential safeguards you from intangible sources of interference that can wreak havoc upon the quality of your life, and adversely impact the peaceful enjoyment of what should be your sanctuary.

Put simply, your home's relative state of harmony has a direct bearing on your own. It plays a fundamental role in determining your level of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Therefore, ensuring the energetic integrity of your space, is paramount in establishing a solid foundation, a home ground advantage, upon which to cultivate true holistic health. 


After all, as the old adage says, there's no place like home.

A house is built from bricks and mortar,
but a home is made in loving order.

the etheric architecture
of your space.

This comprehensive procedure delivers a full energetic renovation of your personal place of residence. 

I meticulously scan to identify, locate, remove, and repair all sources of negative influence, and superimposed inorganic structures, including:

  • Curses
    (inclusive of all hexes, spells, signs, symbols, satanic sigils, artefacts, contracts and covenants)

  • Historical Event Trauma Memory
    (specifically associated with the land local to your residence, and to a one mile radius out in all cardinal directions)​​

  • Earthbound Spirits 
    (associated with the land allotment and your place of residence)

  • Ancestral Spirits
    (associated with both maternal and paternal family lineages)

  • Satanic Ritual Memory
    (inclusive of human and animal blood sacrifice associated with your specific location, and to a one mile radius out in all cardinal directions)

  • Black Magic Grids
    (inclusive of removal and repair for satanic grid architecture, and return to rightful owner for any associated satanic / demonic hierarchies, and their entities)

  • Cloaked Interdimensional Pockets
    (including harvesting structures, miasmatic energy repositories, and entity nesting architecture)

  • Electro-Magnetic Imbalance
    (particularly for magnetic reversal current)

  • Geomantic Anomalies
    (tears, holes, overlays, and leakages resulting from planetary grid and geographical earth body damage)

  • AI Programs
    (synthetic mind control devices and their transmissions)

  • Fear Based Programs
    (inclusive of Victim-Victimiser, Sexual Misery, and Armageddon Program)

  • Malevolent Forms of Interference
    (any and all debris, miasma, false-light matrices, and dead-light geo harnesses)

Spiral Staircase
Plant Mirror Reflection

Reinforce your

The remote cleansing and sealing I perform, covers all internal spaces (floor, ceiling, walls, rooms, and all in-between spaces), and external structures, including energetic boundary fortification to the north, south, the east, and west, together with the vertical north to south plane.

Furthermore, I request protection from all localised negative human influence, and technological targeting, including:

  • Human & Collective Interference
    (neighbours and local community members in relation to negatively charged individual shadow body / collective consciousness leakages, and all negative thought form projections)​​

  • Technological Weaponry
    (both targeted and non targeted)

  • Psychotronic Weaponry
    (both targeted and non targeted)

  • Taggers, Trackers & Remote Viewers

  • Weaponised Frequency Bands
    (RF Bands, 5G and any harmful non-native sources of EMF)

With the loving intention of amplifying the spirit of co-creation, I also work to harmonise your relationship with all beings member to the local animal kingdom, the nature divas, earth elementals, and tribes holding ancient custodial links to the land.


"Thank you Justin. I am so grateful for the  breadth, depth, and thoroughness of your work with my home sanctuary, and this sacred land."

The key
to your fortified

Once your space has been thoroughly cleared in alignment with the principles of Cosmic Sovereign Law, I, with your intent, consent, and authority, declare your residence to be sovereign and free territory, requesting gatekeeping, and a ban of non-interference, to be instituted around the entire structure of your home.


It is at this point, your home then becomes the Harmonised Home.

Wooden Doorway
  • Is Harmonised Home suitable for every home?
    Yes, absolutely! From the smallest of dwellings, through to the largest of homesteads, all residences will benefit from this service.
  • What about other spaces, such as offices, shops, and restaurants?
    Whilst Harmonised Home is predominantly utilised for residential spaces, it is equally effective in cleansing commercial spaces. The work undertaken is focused upon the clearing and balancing of the prevailing energetics relating to all aspects of a building and its surrounds, therefore, the space's nature or function has no bearing on my ability to do the work, and harmonise its structure. However, please note, that under the law of intent, consent, and authority, you must be the property owner or leaseholder, in order for me to undertake the work.
  • How did you learn to do this work?
    In truth, I didn’t. My gift is not modality based, therefore I did not 'learn' to perform this work. It is a sacred gift that I have carried in my DNA for many millennia. In the context of this lifetime though, these abilities were something I needed to remember, as they resided dormant in latent cellular memory, and had to a large extent, been forgotten. Through the reclamation of my authentic self, I rediscovered the essence of who, and what I am. At my very core, within the spaces of my heart, I am, have always been, and will forever be, a healer, one who is innately coded to bring restorative balance to the land, and all living beings. This ability to be of service-to-others, in a multi-dimensional healing capacity, is a blessing that I honour and cherish, and one that I know has been entrusted to me with the intention that I share it with humanity. In summary, it is not a learned new-age modality, nor is it a channeling session. Thus, you can be confident there is no interference, distortion, manipulation or false-light intermediary associated with the delivery of this organic healing power.
  • How does it work?
    This is a most difficult question to answer concisely, without over-simplifying the precise methodical procedure and deeply transformative work, I undertake and complete during a Harmonised Home session. Essentially, as a clear light vessel and natural conduit of healing, I am able to connect directly to the source domains. This then allows me to utilise powerfully restorative organic frequencies, to restore the energetic harmony within, and around your home.
  • Do you come to my home?
    No, I don’t. This work is done remotely, through meditative mind projection, allowing me to effectively conduct my sessions from wherever I am stationed on the planet. I work from the level of the eternal source fields, well beyond the material plane. This direct connection can be accessed from anywhere, and is therefore, in no way location dependant. As a fortuitous consequence, this enables me to restore energetic integrity and harmony to homes, and businesses all over the world. In the context of multi-dimensional healing, physicality is unnecessary, and has no meaningful relevance. Beyond this, physical presence can introduce disruptive factors and influences that are explicitly counter-productive to the healing. Therefore, the absence of my physical presence, in no way diminishes the quality of the healing power transmitted, nor has any adverse effect on the overall outcome. In fact, if anything, it ensures the highest capacity of exchange, and therefore, manifests the most optimum result. To learn more about this topic, please read this article in my library.
  • Do you need anything from me before the session?
    Yes. As part of the booking process, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire. These questions are designed to provide me with basic information, such as the location, along with insights into any factors that you believe to be adversely affecting your experience of residing, or working, in the specified place. Whilst it is not absolutely necessary that you provide me with images of the place in question, they’re helpful in terms of tuning into the energetic signature of the structure, and surrounding land allotment. These can be emailed to me upon confirmation of your booking.
  • What should I expect after the session has been completed?
    Historically, clients have conveyed that, after the session, their homes, and/or commercial spaces, have felt noticeably cleaner, energetically clearer, more peaceful, and inviting. To read their testimonies, please click here.
  • Do you provide any feedback after the session?
    Yes, I do. After I have completed your session, and taken some time to energetically recharge, I will send you a comprehensive report via email. This correspondence includes a summary of the work done, my session observations, and suggestions on how best to stabilise, and maintain the renewed energetics of your space.
  • Can I request feedback over a voice or video call?
    Sorry. In terms of reporting format, written correspondence is what feels appropriate. The comprehensive report that I send you via email after the session, provides specific detail relating to the work done, along with my personal commentary. Furthermore, this format allows you to keep the information on record to refer back to in a future time, should you wish to do so. Should you, however, be in any way vision impaired, then please let me know, and I will be happy to make adjustments that cater to these specific needs.
  • How do I make payment for the session?
    Payment can be made via I kindly ask that you select to pay as 'friends or family' when prompted, in order to avoid any unnecessary fees. For those residing down under in Terra Australis, you have the option, if preferred, to make a direct deposit into our ANZ bank account (bank details are provided with your booking confirmation). All services are listed in USD, so please confirm the applicable exchange rate from USD to AUD, prior to making your payment. Please note, full payment must be received 48 hours prior to your session. Unfortunately, if payment is not received in full, 48 hours prior to your session, the session will be postponed.
  • Can I purchase Harmonised Home as a gift for someone else?
    That's very thoughtful of you, and yes, you may. To purchase a gift card for Harmonised Home, please click here.
Branch in a Glass Jar

333 USD

This payment is an energetic exchange reflecting my focused intent, dedicated time and unique level of expertise. Furthermore, it represents a commitment to, and investment in, your ongoing spiritual development.


Harmonised Home is performed remotely through meditative mind projection, which means I do not need to be physically present.


On completion of the session, you will receive a comprehensive report by email that includes a summary of the work done, my session observations, noteworthy points of interest, and suggestions on how best to consolidate the renewed energetic integrity of your home.

Request Session

Due to the high energetic demand of this work, there are limited sessions available each week. Please send through a request by selecting a date that resonates with you, and I will respond accordingly.

© 2033 by Justin Stewart  -  GSF  -  Website proudly by Creative Pup.

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This website's location, identity, content, and functionality exclusively run Krystal Star algorithms. The law of structure that underpins and protects the integrity of this website is based totally and completely upon the principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This website is in all ways, totally and completely dedicated and consecrated in service to the One Source light, and forever consecrated as God, Sovereign, and Free.

For enquiries or feedback, please send a message below.

Thank you for your message!


© 2023 by Justin Stewart  -  GSF  -  Website proudly by Creative Pup


In conjunction with

This website's location, identity, content, and functionality exclusively run Krystal Star algorithms. The law of structure that underpins and protects the integrity of this website is based totally and completely upon the principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This website is in all ways, totally and completely dedicated and consecrated in service to the One Source light, and forever consecrated as God, Sovereign, and Free.

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